Erfahrene Dermatologin für Ihre Hautgesundheit

Erleben Sie medizinische Expertise auf höchstem Niveau. Mit jahrelanger Erfahrung und tiefgreifendem Fachwissen ist Dr. med. Roxana Chiorean die perfekte Ansprechpartnerin für Ihre Hautgesundheit.


Dr. med. Roxana Chiorean


Praxis Inhaberin


Fachärztin für Haut- und Geschlechtskrankheiten


Studium der Humanmedizin

an der medizinischen Universität “Iuliu Hatieganu” Cluj-Napoca (Klausenburg) Rumänien und Université Aix-Marseille, Marseille, Frankreich

Promotion an der Universitäts-Hautklinik Freiburg


Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin

an der Universitäts-Hautklinik Freiburg


Zahlreiche Publikationen in verschiedenen Fachzeitschriften



an der Universitäts-Hautklinik Cluj-Napoca, der Universitäts-Hautklinik Heidelberg, der Hautklinik Hanau und verschiedenen Hautarztpraxen im Rhein-Main Gebiet (Frankfurt am Main, Hanau und Seligenstadt)


Hospitationen in verschiedenen Praxen und Kliniken mit Schwerpunkten operative Dermatologie und Ästhetik


Certificate of Excellence in Dermatology (UEMS-EBDV European Board of Dermatovenereology Diploma)

Wisschenschaftliche Publikationen

1 | A Recurrent Case of Targetoid Hemosiderotic Hemangioma: A Case Report and a Comprehensive Review of the Literature

Chiorean RM, Krebs A, Al Kadri A, Mayet A, Becker L, Danescu S, Cosgarea R, Senger E. A Recurrent Case of Targetoid Hemosiderotic Hemangioma: A Case Report and a Comprehensive Review of the Literature. Acta Dermatovenerol Croatica. 2020 Dec; 28(7): 228-232.

2 | Complement-Activating Capacity of Autoantibodies Correlates With Disease Activity in Bullous Pemphigoid Patients

Chiorean RM, Baican A, Mustafa MB, Lischka A, Leucuta DC, Feldrihan V, Hertl M, Sitaru C. Complement-Activating Capacity of Autoantibodies Correlates With Disease Activity in Bullous Pemphigoid Patients. Front Immunol. 2018 Nov 20;9:2687. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.02687. ECollection 2018.

3 | Molecular diagnosis of anti-laminin 332 (epiligrin) mucous membrane pemphigoid
Chiorean R, Virtic O, Mustafa BM, Baican A, Danescu S, Lischka A, Hasimoto T, Yancey K, Kariya Y, Koch M, Sitaru C. Molecular diagnosis of anti-laminin 332 (epiligrin) mucous membrane pemphigoid. Orphanet J Rare Dis.2018 Jul 6;13(1):111. doi: 10.1186/s13023-018-0855-x.
4 | Immunological markers as predictors of developing steroid-induced diabetes mellitus in pemphigus vulgaris patients

Dănescu AS, Bâldea I, Leucuţa DC, Lupan I, Samaşca G, Sitaru C, Chiorean R, Baican A. Immunological markers as predictors of developing steroid-induced diabetes mellitus in pemphigus vulgaris patients: An observational study. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 Apr;97(17):e0463.

5 | Orthostatic hypotension revealed by BASCULE syndrome
Danescu S, Baican C, Chiorean R, Filip M, Cismaru G, Baican A. Orthostatic hypotension revealed by BASCULE syndrome. Eur J Dermatol 2018 Apr 5. doi: 10.1684/ejd.2018.3260. [Epub ahead of print].
6 | Diffuse cutaneous bullous mastocytosis with IgM deposits at dermo-epidermal junction

Slavescu KC, Chiorean R, Danescu S, Bota M, Rogojan L, Baican A. Diffuse cutaneous bullous mastocytosis with IgM deposits at dermo-epidermal junction. J Cutan Pathol. 2016 Mar;43(3):263-9.

7 | The role of physical factors in the pathogenesis of bullous pemphigoid-case report series ...

Danescu S, Chiorean R, Macovei V, Sitaru C, Baican A. The role of physical factors in the pathogenesis of bullous pemphigoid-case report series and a comprehensive review of the published work. J Dermatol 2016 Feb;43(2):134-40.

8 | Prediction of survival for patients with pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus

Baican A, Chiorean R (authors with equal contributions), Leucuta DC, Baican C, Danescu S, Ciuce D, Sitaru C. Prediction of survival for patients with pemphigus vulgaris and pemphigus foliaceus: a retrospective cohort study. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2015 Apr 22;10(1):48.

9 | Pemphigoid gestationis with IgG autoantibodies to both the 120 kDa LAD-1 and the BP180 NC16a domain
Takayama N, Nakazono S, Kumagai J, Chiorean R, Sitaru C, Ishii N, Hashimoto T, Namiki T. Pemphigoid gestationis with IgG autoantibodies to both the 120 kDa LAD-1 and the BP180 NC16a domain. Eur J Dermatol. 2015 Apr;25(2):190-2.
10 | TIMP-1 expression in human colorectal cancer is associated with SMAD3 gene expression levels

Ionescu C, Braicu C, Chiorean R, Cojocneanu Petric R, Neagoe E, Pop L, Chira S, Berindan-Neagoe I. TIMP-1 expression in human colorectal cancer is associated with SMAD3 gene expression levels: a pilot study. J Gastrointestin Liver Dis. 2014; 23(4):413-8.

11 | Quantitative expression of serum biomarkers involved in angiogenesis and inflammation ...
Chiorean R, Berindan-Neagoe I, Braicu C, Florian IS, Leucuta D, Crisan D, Cernea V. Quantitative expression of serum biomarkers involved in angiogenesis and inflammation, in patients with glioblastoma multiforme: correlations with clinical data. Cancer Biomark. 2014;14(2-3):185-94.
12 | Quantitative mRNA expression of genes involved in angiogenesis, coagulation and inflammation in ...

Berindan-Neagoe I, Chiorean R, Braicu C, Florian IS, Leucuta D, Crisan D, Cocis A, Balacescu O, Irimie A. Quantitative mRNA expression of genes involved in angiogenesis, coagulation and inflammation in multiforme glioblastoma tumoral tissue versus peritumoral brain tissue: lack of correlation with clinical data. Eur Cytokine Netw. 2012;23(2):45-55.

13 | Molecular diagnosis of autoimmune skin diseases.

Chiorean R, Mahler M, Sitaru C. Molecular diagnosis of autoimmune skin diseases. Rom J Morphol Embryol. 2014;55(3 Suppl):1019-33.

14 | Another review on triple negative breast cancer. Are we on the right way towards the exit from the labyrinth?

Chiorean R, Braicu C, Berindan-Neagoe I. Another review on triple negative breast cancer. Are we on the right way towards the exit from the labyrinth? 2013; 22(6):1026-33.

15 | Novel insight into triple-negative breast cancers, the emerging role of angiogenesis, and antiangiogenic therapy.

Braicu C, Chiorean R, Irimie A, Chira S, Tomuleasa C, Neagoe E, Paradiso A, Achimas-Cadariu P, Lazar V, Berindan-Neagoe I. Novel insight into triple-negative breast cancers, the emerging role of angiogenesis, and antiangiogenic therapy. Expert Rev Mol Med. 2016 Nov 7;18:e18.

16 | Survival and prognostic factors in bullous pemphigoid: A retrospective cohort study.

Papara C, Chiorean R, Leucuta DC, Baican C, Danescu S, Sitaru C, Zillikens D, Baican A. Survival and prognostic factors in bullous pemphigoid: A retrospective cohort study. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol 2022 Oct 12;1-9.doi: 10.25259/IJDVL_705_2021. Online ahead of print.

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Dr. med. Roxana Chiorean

Kahler Straße 25
63538 Großkrotzenburg

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15:00 - 18:30 Uhr

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8:30 - 13:00 Uhr